
apagathamadhamAnai: anthimOpAyanishtai: 

adhigathaparamArthai: arthakAmAnapEkshai:| 

nikilajanasuhruthbhi: nirjithakrOdhalObai:

varavaramunibruthyai: asthu mE nithya yOga: ||

May I be eternally associated with the devotees of maNavAla mAmunigaL, who have crossed the lures of material pleasures and pride, to whom the preceptor is the means and the end, who have mastered the essence of all scriptures, who have no place for material profit and lust, who are well-wishers of all life and who have conquered anger and greed.


Purport: The srIvachanabhUshaṇa divyasAstram teaches several important srIvaishNava tenets.  It teaches the need for AthmaguNams - the need for restraint, the importance of learning the esoteric essence of the scriptures from the preceptor.  It also teaches the need for detachment from worldly pleasures and to have love for bhagavadh vishayam. It teaches us to exhibit compassion and patience towards all, especially towards those who harm us.  It concludes its message with the teaching of anthimOpAyam through "AchArya abhimAnamE uththArakam" where the means and end are both identified with the preceptor.  These and more, taught in cryptic form by piLLai lOkAchArya, were lucidly explained by maNavALa mAmunigaL.  mAmunigaL himself says that it is rare to find mahAthmAs who follow the word and spirit of srIvachanabhUshaNam.  Through the above stanza, we pray that we bear eternal association with the lotus feet of such resplendent followers of mAmunigaL who are adhikAris of srIvachanabhUshaNam.

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srIsailEsa dhayApAthram dhIbhakthyAdhi guNArNavam

yathindhra pravaNam vandhE ramyajAmAtharam munim

I surrender unto srI maNavALa mAmunigaL who is the holder of the mercy of thiruvAimozhi piLLai, an ocean of jnAnam, bhakthi, etc., who has unlimited love for yathirAjar.


Please read kOil selva maNavALa mAmunigaL's glorius life history at http://www.varavaramuni.com/history.